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SYNONYM to support / to encourage = dukungan                    stomach / belly = perut asking for / requesting = meminta                         to attempt / to try = mencoba to approve / to agree = menyetujui                       obvious / real = nyata / jelas hopeless / desperate = putus asa                          seeking / looking for = mencari to need / to require = membutuhkan                     noble / esteemed = penghargaan happened / occurred, took place = terjadi              drought / dry season = musim kemarau untidy / messy = berantakan                                to surrender / to give up = menyerah to bother / to disturb, to annoy = mengganggu        careful / cautious = berhati-hati to hope / expect = mengharapkan                         to provide / to supply = meyediakan sufficient / enough = cukup                                  harmful / dangerous, hazardous = berbahaya buying / purchasing = membeli                               unfore
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Tolak tangan berayun kaki, peluk tubuh mengajar diri.  Artinya  : Belajar untuk mengendalikan diri dan meninggalkan kebiasaan bersenang-senang. Tong kosong nyaring bunyinya.  Artinya  : Orang yang bodoh biasanya banyaknya cakapnya/ pembicaraannya. Tong penuh tidak berguncang, tong setengah yang berguncang.  Artinya  : Orang yang berilmu tidak akan banyak bicara, tetapi orang bodoh biasanya banyak bicara seolah-olah tahu banyak hal. Ada Padang ada belalang, ada air ada pula ikan.  Artinya  : Dimana pun berada pasti akan tersedia rezeki buat kita. Ada air ada ikan.  Artinya  : Dimanapun kita tinggal,rezeki akan selalu ada. Ada asap ada api.  Artinya  : Tak dapat dipisahkan, munculnya suatu kejadian / masalah pasti ada penyebabnya. Ada gula ada semut.  Artinya  : Dimana banyak kesenangan disitulah banyak orang datang. Ada harga ada rupa.  Artinya  : Harga suatu barang tentu disesuaikan dengan keadaan barang tersebut. Ada pasa


One Direction   - End of the Day I told her that I loved her, just not sure if she heard The roof was pretty windy and she didn't say a word Party died downstairs, had nothing left to do Just me, her and the moon I set you on fire babe And down came the lightning on me Love can be frightening for sure All I know at the end of the day is you want what you want and you say what you say And you'll follow your heart even though it'll break Sometimes All I know at the end of the day is love who you love There ain't no other way If there's something I've learnt from a million mistakes You're the one that I want at the end of the day At the end of the day You're the one that I want at the end of the day Sure the night was over, I said it's forever 20 minutes later wound up in the hospital The priest thinks it's the devil My mum thinks it's the flu But girl it's only you I set you on fire babe And down came the light